
Use python to execute shell command and redirect the output to a variable

I am trying to do 2 things with Python-

  1. Execute a command at the terminal
  2. Save the output of the above command to a variable.

This is my code till now -

import subprocess
ip_address = ""
query_reply =["curl" , ip_address])
print("The exit code was: %d" % query_reply.returncode)

The query_reply only saves the return code as I am using query_reply.returncode. Whereas I want to save the general output of the command curl to a variable.

This output is a dict-like structure -

{"ip":"","success":true,"type":"IPv4","continent":"North America","continent_code":"NA","country":"United States","country_code":"US","region":"California","region_code":"CA","city":"San Jose","latitude":37.3382082,"longitude":-121.8863286,"is_eu":false,"postal":"95113","calling_code":"1","capital":"Washington D.C.","borders":"CA,MX","flag":{"img":"https:\/\/\/flags\/us.svg","emoji":"\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","emoji_unicode":"U+1F1FA U+1F1F8"},"connection":{"asn":16625,"org":"Akamai Technologies, Inc.","isp":"Akamai Technologies, Inc.","domain":""},"timezone":{"id":"America\/Los_Angeles","abbr":"PDT","is_dst":true,"offset":-25200,"utc":"-07:00","current_time":"2022-07-25T11:26:47-07:00"}}

The final goal is to access the fields like the region, city etc. inside the above structure. What is the general process to approach this sort of problem?


  • there is an arg to get output

    import subprocess
    import json
    r =["curl" , ""], capture_output=True)
    djson = json.loads(r.stdout.decode())
    djson["region"], djson["city"]

    or better just querying it

    import requests
    with requests.get("") as response:
        djson = response.json()
    djson["region"], djson["city"]