
managing global state with parameterization (without singleton) but with a templated class

I am writing a small pub/sub application in c++14/17 for practice and self-learning. I say 14/17 because the only feature of c++17 I have used for this project so far has been the std::scoped_lock.

In this toy application, the publishers and subscribers are on the same OS process (same compiled binary).

A reasonable thing is to do in this case, is have a single class that stores the messages in an std::unordered_map<std::string, std:enque>. I plan on instantiating this class in main and passing it to the constructors of the publishers and subscribers.

The problem comes when I attempt to hold the messages into a custom queue class, with a template for different messages; for example using protobuf.

Please consider the following:

// T here represents different
// protobuf classes
template <class T>
class Queue {
    std::mutex mutex_;

    void enqueueMessage(const T* message);
    const T* dequeueMessage();
    const int length() { return messages_.size();};
    std::string id_;
    std::deque<const T*> messages_;

class Node
    template <class T>
    Publisher<T>* createPublisher(std::string const topic_name, Broker broker);

class Broker {
        template <class T>
        Publisher<T>* createPublisher(std::string const topic_name);
        /** THE PROBLEM IS HERE **/
        std::unordered_map<std::string, Queue<T*>*> queues_;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // this object holds the global state
    // and will be passed in when needed
    auto broker = std::make_shared<Broker>();

    EmployeeMessage empMessage = EmployeeMessage(/* params */);
    WeatherMessage  weatherMessage = WeatherMessage(/* params */);
    auto nodeEmp = std::make_shared<Node>();
    auto nodeWeather = std::make_shared<Node>();

    nodeEmp.createPublisher<EmployeeMessage>("name1", broker);
    nodeWeather.createPublisher<EmployeeMessage>("name2", broker);


The queues_ member of the Broker class cannot have a Type T because the Broker is not a template class.

I cannot make Broker into a template class because then I would have an instance of broker for each type of message.

How can I fix this design?


  • Use a base class QueueBase and stores the base class pointers.

    struct QueueBase {
        virtual ~QueueBase() {}
    template <class T>
    class Queue: QueueBase {};
    class Broker {
            std::unordered_map<std::string, QueueBase*> queues_;

    When you need access queues_, dynamic_cast to the type you want. e.g.

    class Broker {
            template <typename T>
            Queue<T>* get(const std::string& topic_name) {
                return dynamic_cast<Queue<T*>>(queues_.at(topic_name));

    This's just a case, pay attention to expcetion safety and error handling.