I'm a beginner with Cypress and I am stuggeling with the following:
I am calling the following from my test file:
This refers to the following command:
Cypress.Commands.add("SetupClassificationsStubFixture", (amount) => {
cy.fixture('ClassificationsStub.json').then(classificationsStub => {
const slicedClassifications = classificationsStub.slice(0, amount)
cy.intercept('GET', '**/api/classifications', slicedClassifications)
cy.fixture('ClassificationsStub.json').then(classificationsStub => {
const slicedClassifications = classificationsStub.slice(0, amount)
cy.intercept('GET', '**/api/classifications/*', slicedClassifications)
}).as('classifications') });
As you can see this customcommand is intercepting 2 api request. Namely:
The first interception is with [] The second intercecption needs exactly the same response buth without brackets []
But you already understand that both respons are now with brackets '[]'. I tried to make a second fixture file without [], but the the slice function is not working.
So I need: The second intercept like:
"id": "9d4a9c14-ef37-4a64-a1eb-63ab45cdf530",
"name": "CypressTest",
"userRole": "Editor",
"childClassifications": []
But I get:
"id": "9d4a9c14-ef37-4a64-a1eb-63ab45cdf530",
"name": "CypressTest",
"userRole": "Editor",
"childClassifications": []
How could I get this array back without []? Thankyou indeed!
UPDATE: I am trying now the following:
Cypress.Commands.add("SetupClassificationsStubFixture", (amount) => {
cy.fixture('ClassificationsStub.json').then(classificationsStub => {
const slicedClassifications = classificationsStub.slice(0, amount)
cy.intercept('GET', '**/api/classifications', slicedClassifications)
cy.fixture('ClassificationsStub.json').then(classificationsStub => {
const slicedClassifications = classificationsStub.slice(0, amount)
const arr2 = slicedClassifications
const obj5 = Object.fromEntries(arr2)
cy.intercept('GET', '**/api/classifications/*', obj5)
But this give me a emtpy .json file. It the respons is not just ' {} '
Finally solved with:
Cypress.Commands.add("SetupClassificationsStubFixture", (amount) => {
cy.fixture('ClassificationsStub.json').then(classificationsStub => {
const slicedClassifications = classificationsStub.slice(0, amount)
cy.intercept('GET', '**/api/classifications', slicedClassifications)
cy.fixture('ClassificationsStub.json').then(classificationsStub => {
cy.intercept('GET', '**/api/classifications/*', (req) => {
const slicedClassifications = classificationsStub.slice(0, amount)
var selectedClassification = req.url.replace(new RegExp('.*api/classifications/'), '');
let foundClassification = FindChildClassification(selectedClassification, slicedClassifications);
//If not found return first always
statusCode: 200,
body: foundClassification ?? slicedClassifications[0]
export function FindChildClassification(id, classificationArray) {
for (let i = 0; classificationArray.length - 1 >= i; i++) {
if (classificationArray[i].id == id) {
return classificationArray[i];
} else {
if (classificationArray[i].childClassifications.length > 0) {
let childClassification = FindChildClassification(id, classificationArray[i].childClassifications);
if (childClassification != null) { return childClassification }
return null;