
Unit test timeout in Rust

Is there a way to specify a timeout for a specific unit test in Rust?

The only way to do it so add it to the test case as a hardcoded argument: https://docs.rs/ntest/0.7.2/ntest/index.html

But I wanted to ask if there is a way to provide in the command line as an argument to running test. Something like: cargo test <timeout?>


  • You can get help on the test runner with cargo test -- --help. In particular you will find:

    --ensure-time   Treat excess of the test execution time limit as
                    Threshold values for this option can be configured via
                    `RUST_TEST_TIME_DOCTEST` environment variables.
                    Expected format of environment variable is
                    `CRITICAL_TIME` here means the limit that should not
                    be exceeded by test.