
Jenkins reports a cycle dependcy error with plugins after restart and will not start now

We restarted our jenkins LTS 2.303.3 (which redownloads all plugins upon restart with the JCaSC plugin) and are seeing these errors in the logs:

2022-07-27 17:59:00.565+0000 [id=31] SEVERE hudson.PluginManager$1$3$2$1#reactOnCycle: found cycle in plugin dependencies: (root=Plugin:sshd, deactivating all involved) Plugin:sshd -> Plugin:mina-sshd-api-core -> Plugin:ssh-credentials -> Plugin:credentials -> Plugin:configuration-as-code -> Plugin:sshd
2022-07-27 17:59:00.569+0000 [id=31] SEVERE hudson.PluginManager$1$3$2$1#reactOnCycle: found cycle in plugin dependencies: (root=Plugin:sshd, deactivating all involved) Plugin:sshd -> Plugin:mina-sshd-api-core -> Plugin:ssh-credentials -> Plugin:credentials -> Plugin:configuration-as-code -> Plugin:sshd
2022-07-27 17:59:00.570+0000 [id=31] SEVERE hudson.PluginManager$1$3$2$1#reactOnCycle: found cycle in plugin dependencies: (root=Plugin:sshd, deactivating all involved) Plugin:sshd -> Plugin:mina-sshd-api-core -> Plugin:ssh-credentials -> Plugin:credentials -> Plugin:configuration-as-code -> Plugin:trilead-api -> Plugin:sshd

Jenkins fails to start and we did not change any versions of our plugins oddly.


  • After some digging, it looks like theres an issue with the mina-sshd-api-core plugin: This link states you can fix by upgrading the configuration as code plugin, but that did not fix it for our case.

    We downgraded that mina-sshd-api-core plugin to the following version to get our isntance back up and running.

    Working version: mina-sshd-api-core:2.8.0-18.vd98674ecd652