I'm planning to run my performance test with 100 users for 30 minutes, I noticed it generates bunch of request almost (2M) upon checking the result, is there's a way I could simulate 100 request/per seconds at end of the execution I'm only expecting 180,000 requests. Your response is highly appreciated. Thank you
Expectation Request:
Per seconds = 100
Per Minute = 6,000
30 Minutes = 180,000
Thread Setup:
Your setup is kicking off 100 users which are active for 30 minutes and they're executing samplers as fast as they can
If you need to slow down the requests execution rate to the given number of requests per second you can consider using Throughput Shaping Timer to limit JMeter's samplers execution rate to the desired value.
You can install Throughput Shaping Timer using JMeter Plugins Manager
JMeter's built-in alternatives are Constant Throughput Timer and Precise Throughput Timer