I have React Native project where I am using react-native-sqlite-store (npm i react-native-sqlite-storage). The issue is that I get no results when I try the follow query show below. I need to be able to select all rows where the columns have exact match with the values. I need to also be able to select where the value could be NULL. With the correct code I am not able to get results however if I remove the midiGroup field from the query I get results. Not sure how to fix this.
Basically I need to be able to check even if a column has NULL. In React Native the message?.midiGroup value is null
"SELECT * FROM MidiMap WHERE midiType= ? AND midiNote= ? AND midiChannel= ? AND midiVelocity= ? AND midiGroup= ?;",
message?.midiType, // <---- noteOn
message?.midiNote, // <---- 60
message?.midiChannel, // <---- 0
message?.midiVelocity, // <---- 64
message?.midiGroup, // <---- for this query midiGroup is null
(sqlTx, res) => {
console.log(activeProfile, message?.midiType);
let len = res.rows.length;
// Check for items here
if (len > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
let item = res.rows.item(i);
// Trigger here
(error) => {
console.log(`Error checking results for midi triggering: ${error.message}`);
Use the operator IS
to make comparisons against null
Depending on your requirement, your query could be written as:
FROM MidiMap
WHERE midiType = ?
AND midiNote = ?
AND midiChannel = ?
AND midiVelocity = ?
AND midiGroup IS ?;
FROM MidiMap
WHERE midiType = ?
AND midiNote = ?
AND midiChannel = ?
AND midiVelocity = ?
AND (midiGroup = ? OR midiGroup IS NULL);