I am really new to the industry and have this error when trying to check the database connection via API requests with Postman..... Please help me to settle this issue...
I just want to check the MongoDB database by sending API requests. Still I cannot identify the error and I am following a set of tutorials and this issue occurred... Anyone can help me to identify the mistake it's highly appreciated....
{ this is dummy text to avoid please add more details...
Here is my code...
const app = express();
const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 8000;
// Initialize middleware
// we used to install body parser but now it's a built in middleware
// Function of express. It parses incoming JSONpayload
// app.use(express.json({extended:false}));
app.use(express.json({ extended: false }));
// Test Routs
// app.get("/", (req,res)=>res.send("Hello Aruna !!!"));
// app.post("/", (req,res)=>res.send(`Hello ${req.body.name} `));
// app.get("/hello/:name", (req.res)=>res.send(`Hello ${req.params.name}`))
app.get('/api/articles/:name', async (req, res) => {
try {
const articleName = req.params.name;
const client = await MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017');
const db = client.db('mernblog');
const articlesinfo = db
.findOne({ name: articleName });
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).jason({ message: 'Error connecting to database', error });
app.post('/api/articles/:name/add-comments', (req, res) => {
const { username, text } = req.body;
const articleName = req.params.name;
articlesinfo[articleName].comments.push({ username, text });
app.post('/', (req, res) => res.send(`Hello ${req.body.name}`));
app.get('/hello/:name', (req, res) => res.send(`Hello ${req.params.name}`));
app.listen(PORT, () => console.log(`Server is running at port ${PORT}`));
You have a typo in your code: jason
should be json
Other tips, you should handle your DB connection in a separate method and change your post
request since articlesinfo
is not a global variable:
const app = express();
const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 8000;
const client = new MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017');
const connectDB = async () => {
try {
await client.connect();
console.log('Successfully connected to DB')
} catch (err) {
await client.close();
console.log('Error connecting to DB');
// Initialize middleware
// we used to install body parser but now it's a built in middleware
// Function of express. It parses incoming JSONpayload
// app.use(express.json({extended:false}));
app.use(express.json({ extended: false }));
// Test Routs
// app.get("/", (req,res)=>res.send("Hello Aruna !!!"));
// app.post("/", (req,res)=>res.send(`Hello ${req.body.name} `));
// app.get("/hello/:name", (req.res)=>res.send(`Hello ${req.params.name}`))
app.get('/api/articles/:name', async (req, res) => {
try {
const articleName = req.params.name;
const db = client.db('mernblog');
const articlesinfo = db
.findOne({ name: articleName });
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ message: 'Error connecting to database', error });
app.post('/api/articles/:name/add-comments', (req, res) => {
const { username, text } = req.body;
const articleName = req.params.name;
const db = client.db('mernblog');
const articlesinfo = db
.updateOne({ name: articleName }, { $push: { comments: { username, text } } });
app.post('/', (req, res) => res.send(`Hello ${req.body.name}`));
app.get('/hello/:name', (req, res) => res.send(`Hello ${req.params.name}`));
app.listen(PORT, () => console.log(`Server is running at port ${PORT}`));