I am running tests with junit 5, and occasionally, one will hang. Usually this is in a driver to a cloud service, but we haven't caught it in the act so we don't know exactly where. I'd like to configure junit to output a stack trace of all threads when the timeout happens. But I don't see how that is easily done. Sure, I can build my own timeout mechanism and install it in @BeforeEach and cancel it in @AfterEach, and it is easy to print the thread stack dump, but it would be nice if junit had something built-in like an "execute this lambda on timeout". I don't see anything like that in the assertTimeout*() functions.
UPDATE: A Junit5 extension turned out to be the best solution I cound find, see my answer.
A lot of the comments were hinting at a roll-your-own solution, which ultimately I had to do. It really wasn't hard, because a colleague of mine had written Junit 5 extensions and I was able to use his expertise, which I am happy to share with the community.
This extension involves two things:
Once you have these two things in your classpath for the test, you can annotate your test class (or a base class of your test class) like:
public class Test1Timeout {
This enables the extension. Then annotate either a test class or individual test methods with
which will set the maximum time allowed for a test method to run. If the test method fails to complete in the allotted time, two things will happen:
The extension class:
public class TimeoutExtension implements InvocationInterceptor {
private static final ScheduledExecutorService exec = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
public void interceptTestMethod(Invocation<Void> invocation, ReflectiveInvocationContext<Method> invocationContext, ExtensionContext extensionContext) throws Throwable {
Timeout timeout = invocationContext.getExecutable().getAnnotation(Timeout.class);
Class<?> clazz = invocationContext.getExecutable().getDeclaringClass();
while (timeout == null && clazz != Object.class) {
timeout = clazz.getAnnotation(Timeout.class);
clazz = clazz.getSuperclass();
if (timeout == null || timeout.seconds() <= 0) {
int seconds = timeout.seconds();
Thread caller = Thread.currentThread();
AtomicBoolean timedOut = new AtomicBoolean();
Future<Void> future = exec.schedule(() -> {
System.out.println("**** TIMEOUT ERROR: TEST EXCEEDED " + seconds + " SECONDS ****");
return null;
}, seconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Exception caught = null;
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
caught = ex;
} finally {
if (timedOut.get()) {
if (timeout.expectTimeout()) {
// awesome!
} else {
Exception ex = new TimeoutException("Test exceeded timeout of " + seconds + " seconds");
if (caught != null) {
throw ex;
} else if (caught != null) {
throw caught;
} else if (timeout.expectTimeout()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Test expected to timeout at " + seconds + " but didn't");
The Timeout annotation
@Target( { ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE })
public @interface Timeout {
/** Set to zero to disable timeout **/
int seconds();
/** Set to true if the test is expected to timeout and this is OK with you.
This is mostly for self-testing the extension.
boolean expectTimeout() default false;
and finally, the thread-dumper utility
public class TestUtils {
public static String generateThreadDump() {
final StringBuilder dump = new StringBuilder();
final ThreadMXBean threadMXBean = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean();
final ThreadInfo[] threadInfos = threadMXBean.getThreadInfo(threadMXBean.getAllThreadIds(), 100);
for (ThreadInfo threadInfo : threadInfos) {
dump.append("\" ");
final Thread.State state = threadInfo.getThreadState();
dump.append("\n java.lang.Thread.State: ");
final StackTraceElement[] stackTraceElements = threadInfo.getStackTrace();
for (final StackTraceElement stackTraceElement : stackTraceElements) {
dump.append("\n at ");
return dump.toString();
public static void printThreadDump() {