
Find last inserted document for a given field

Using Go driver for Mongo, I have a simple collection, each document is my last visit to the city. How to find all documents, most recent visit to field destination. Field _id is auto-generated and incrementing chronologically.

    "_id": "62e0d290fd1a769bb8ad13ba",
    "destination": "NY"
    "airline": "Delta"
    "_id": "62e0d2defd1a769bb8ad13bb",
    "destination": "DC"
    "airline": "Southwest"
    "_id": "62e0d2defd1a769bb8ad13bc",
    "destination": "DC"
    "airline": "American"
    "_id": "62e0d2defd1a769bb8ad13bd",
    "destination": "NY"
    "airline": "JetBlue"

Expected output (most recent inserted document for visit to each city)

    "_id": "62e0d2defd1a769bb8ad13bc",
    "destination": "DC"
    "airline": "American"
    "_id": "62e0d2defd1a769bb8ad13bd",
    "destination": "NY"
    "airline": "JetBlue"


  • Hope this answer will help to you

        "$group": {
          "_id": "$destination",
          "airline": {
            "$last": "$airline"
          "destination": {
            "$last": "$destination"
          "id": {
            "$last": "$_id"
        "$project": {
          _id: "$id",
          destination: 1,
          airline: 1
        "$sort": {
          _id: 1,

    enter image description here