
flutter commands arent Running in my command prompt, when i write flutter,i waited for an hour still didnt show anything im using win 10 pro, i tryed

i formatted my pc windows 10 , i installed window 10 pro and installed java jdk v 11, also visual studio installer, vs code android studio, all possible solutions for not recognizing flutter or flutter doctor issues, my cmd is working properly but when i write flutter i wat for hours and see nothing , my path in env variables is :C:\Program Files\flutter\bin

also seen this in my vs code terminal: vs code terminal error pc terminal did nothing


  • Because: According to the Fluter document, one of the warnings is that Flutter should not be in the Program File.

    enter image description here

    solution: Convert Flutter Location to C:\src\flutterand also change the path in the env to C:\src\flutter\bin

    For better Understanding check the Flutter Documentation