I have an array something like below.
[0] => 100
[1] =>
[2] => 107
[3] => 109
I may get empty value more than one also. I just wanted to move the empty values to down.
I'd just sort it in reverse order
arsort($myarray, SORT_NUMERIC);
You'd end up with the values:
109, 107, 100, <blank>
Edit: to get the values in the order specified in the below comment:
// initial data
$a = (100, '', 107, 109);
// define functions to detect blank/notblank
function isBlank($var) {
return $var == '';
function isNotBlank($var) {
return !isBlank($var);
// get two arrays, one containing blanks, one containing numbers
$blanks = array_filter($a, 'isBlank');
$notBlanks = array_filter($a, 'isNotBlank');
// reverse sort the numbers
arsort($notBlanks, SORT_NUMERIC);
// merge the arrays
$output = array_merge($notBlanks, $blanks);