
LazyColumn inside Column with verticalScroll modifier throws exception

In one of my composables, a Lazycolumn is nested inside a Column composable. I want to be able to scroll the entire Column along with the Lazycolumn. But, specifying the verticalScroll modifier property on Column results in the following exception causing the app to crash. How can I fix this?


java.lang.IllegalStateException: Vertically scrollable component was measured with an infinity maximum height constraints, which is disallowed. One of the common reasons is nesting layouts like LazyColumn and Column(Modifier.verticalScroll()).


    modifier = Modifier
        .padding(bottom = 100.dp),
    verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
    horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally
) {
        modifier = Modifier
    ) {
            items = allItems!!,
            key = { item ->
        ) { item ->
                navController = navController,
                item = item,
                sharedViewModel = sharedViewModel
            ) { isChecked ->
                scope.launch {
                    shoppingListScreenViewModel.changeItemChecked(item!!, isChecked)


    modifier = Modifier.padding(vertical = 24.dp),
    onClick = {
        navController.navigate(NavScreens.AddItemScreen.route) {
            popUpTo(NavScreens.AddItemScreen.route) {
                inclusive = true
) {
    Text("Go to add item screen")


  • This happens when you wish to measure your LazyColumn with Constraints with Constraints.Infinity for the maxHeight which is not permitted as described in error log. There should be a fixed height or you shouldn't have another Scrollable with same orientation.

        modifier = Modifier
             // This is the cause
    ) {
           // and not having a Modifier that could return non-infinite max height contraint
            modifier = Modifier
        ) {

    If you don't know exact height you can assign Modifier.weight(1f) to LazyColumn.


    This section is extra about `Constraints` and measurement you can skip this part if you are not interested in how it works.

    What i mean by measuring with with Constraints.Infinity is when you create a Layout in Compose you use

    Layout(modifier=modifier, content=content){
         measurables: List<Measurable>, constraints: Constraints ->

    You get child Composables as List<Measurable> which you can measure with Constraints provided by parent or the one you see fit by updating existing one with Constraints.copy or fixed one when you build a custom Composable with Layout.

    val placeable = measurable.measure(constraints)

    Constraints min/max width/height changes based on size modifier or scroll. When there is a scroll and you don't use any size modifier, Constraints return minHeight =0, maxHeight= Int.MAX_VALUE as Constraints.Infinity


    enter image description here


    enter image description here

    Easiest way to check Constraints with different Modifiers or with scroll is getting it from BoxWithConstraints