This question raised by trying to solve this one How to write partial string of X labels in italics using ggplot2?:
I want to know how we could only italicize characters in a string that are lower case:
string <- "wbfV/wcvB"
[1] "wbfV/wcvB"
Desired output:
Background: I would like to use it then for labelling in a plot.
I thought to do it like this way, but obviously it is not working:
expression(str_detect(string, '[a-z]'~italic(str_detect(string, '[A-Z]'))))
which I tried to label
plot(1, xlab=expression(str_detect(string, '[a-z]'~italic(str_detect(string, '[A-Z]')))))
I'm not really familiar with using expressions in R directly, I have only ever used latex2exp
, so I'll be using it here as well. The key to this task is doing the right split with lookarounds. Then you can easily make every other substring italic.
"wbfV/wcvBa" |>
str_split("(?<=[a-z])(?![-a-z])|(?<![-a-z])(?=[a-z])") |>
unlist() |>
imap_chr(\(x,i) ifelse(i %% 2, x, str_c("\\textit{", x, "}"))) |>
str_c(collapse = "") |>
TeX() %>%
plot(1, xlab = .)
Created on 2022-07-30 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
The regex consists of two parts with two lookarounds each:
Split between either
(?<=[a-z]) lowercase letter
(?![-a-z]) followed by non-lowercase
| OR
(?<![-a-z]) non-lowercase
(?=[a-z]) followed by lowercase