I have a python script that I am executing with cron job. This script generates some output while executing and I wish to post it to Slack channel in real time.
Here is a bash script that I have:
log_file=logs_$(date '+\%Y-\%m-\%d_\%H:\%M').txt
cd /path/to/script/run.py > /path/to/logs/${log_file} 2>&1
cat /path/to/logs/${log_file} | while read LINE; do
(echo "$LINE" | grep -e "Message" ) && curl -X POST --silent --data-urlencode \
"payload={\"text\": \"$(echo $LINE | sed "s/\"/'/g")\"}" "https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxxxxx";
This scrip works but it of course posts all messages to slack once the python script has already been executed. Is there any way I could configure it so that messages would be sent to Slack in real time while the python script is still being executed?
You may be able to read the output from your run.py
script via process substitution:
log_file=logs_$(date '+\%Y-\%m-\%d_\%H:\%M').txt
while read -r line ; do
printf "%s\n" "$line"
(grep -e "Message" <<< "$line") && curl -X POST --silent --data-urlencode \
"payload={\"text\": \"$(echo $line | sed "s/\"/'/g")\"}" "https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxxxxx";
done < <(/path/to/script/run.py 2>&1) >> "$log_file"
It may also prove useful to paste your code into shellcheck.net and have a look at the suggested changes.