I've recently installed a new diff tool (difftastic), which messes with my habit of copying diffs to clipboard (or to file) to send those:
external = difft # As per https://difftastic.wilfred.me.uk/git.html
| what I want | what I get |
| ----------- | ---------- |
$ git diff | difft | difft |
$ git diff > some-file | git diff | difft |
$ GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF= git diff | git diff | error |
My end goal is to have a single command to which I can pass usual git diff arguments and get the original (something like git diff --internal
Eventually I'll go upstream to difftastic and offer a PR fixing that (e.g. difftastic defaulting to using git if piped), but I'm almost certain I don't understand correctly git's diff.external
and difftool*
configs. And I don't know how to reset diff.external
per command
A partial solution I found thanks to matt's comments on the question:
git diff --no-ext-diff
Yet I'm sure there are cleaner solution to better choose between either git diff is piped, hence use normal patch or git diff isn't hence do the fancy thing.