
What is the difference between DocumentRoot and PassengerAppRoot in this code?

DocumentRoot /home/user/public_html
PassengerStartupFile index.js
PassengerAppType node
PassengerAppRoot /home/user/nodeapp

This how you set up the startup file of the cpanel application manager. I don´t understand the difference and this is my main problem to make it works.


  • DocumentRoot is related to the directory where your domain is pointing if you are using cpanel there is high chance is public_html.DocumentRoot /home/user/public_html, passenger AppRoot is where your app is located could be public_html or another route, that´s depend totally of you, a good hint is your application manager configuration in cpanel, it´s the same folder you setup, and user in the example is your user cpanel name. If you change the code in this way and still is not working, I suggest contact technical support.