
Looking for OID values for Xerox's fuser and transfer roll

I'm trying to get SNMP OID's values for maximum and current capacity of transfer roller and fuser.

I'm pretty sure that is it:

. - transfer roller (-2)

. - fuser (-2)

. - transfer roller (-3)

. - fuser (-3)

The problem is that these values don't change even if printer says that these materials need to be replaced.

How can I get the status of these?


  • The OIDs you provided are from the Printer-MIB. . is prtMarkerSuppliesMaxCapacity, and . is prtMarkerSuppliesLevel, and the two index sub-identifiers are HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrDeviceIndex and prtMarkerSuppliesIndex. You can confirm that they correspond to the components you think they do by checking prtMarkerSuppliesDescription.

    To answer your question, the description of prtMarkerSuppliesLevel says

    The value (-1) means other and specifically indicates that the sub-unit places no restrictions on this parameter. The value (-2) means unknown. A value of (-3) means that the printer knows that there is some supply/remaining space, respectively.

    The description also seems to imply that positive (maybe non-negative) numbers should only be used if the printer has a reliable way to measure them. The best explanation I can think of is that your printer can detect that these supplies are low, and uses that to gauge when they need to be replaced, but cannot measure the exact level reliably enough to support positive values for this SNMP object. There is no negative value to say "in need of replacement", and 0 is presumably reserved for "empty" (which it may not ever reach), so it just keeps showing -3.