I need to read data from mysql database with pwsh 7. On powershell 5 it is working fine but with pwsh 7 not with , and receive an error message when querying a table with 'timestamp' data :
"format-default: Unable to cast object of type 'MySql.Data.Types.MySqlDateTime' to type 'System.IFormattable'."
$connStr = "server=" + $MySQLHost + ";port=" + $MySQLPort + ";uid=" + $user + ";pwd=" + $pass + ";database=" + $MYSQLDatabase + ";Pooling=FALSE;Allow Zero Datetime=true;Allow User Variables=True;Connect Timeout=60"
$conn = New-Object MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection($connStr)
New-Object MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand("USE $database", $conn)
$query = "select Name, InputDate from ENVIRONMENT"
$cmd = New-Object MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand($query, $conn)
$dataAdapter = New-Object MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter($cmd)
$dataSet = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
$dataAdapter.Fill($dataSet, "data")
So I can see that after "$dataAdapter.Fill($dataSet, "data")" data are collected from mysql because it return the number of row. But after "$dataSet.Tables["data"]" it return the error.
In powershell 5 it is working fine.
Any help :-) ?
If your code works in Windows PowerShell, but not in PowerShell (Core) 7+, I encourage you to report an issue in the PowerShell GitHub repo.
However, you should first make sure that you're loading the .NET (Core)-appropriate version of the assembly (MySql.Data
) from the MySql.Data
NuGet package, given that [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("MySql.Data")
may be loading an older, .NET Framework-only version from the GAC (Global Assembly Cache), as would the equivalent - and preferable - form Add-Type -AssemblyName MySql.Data
Unfortunately, using NuGet packages isn't well supported in PowerShell as of version 7.2.x:
GitHub issue #6724 asks for better support in the future.
This answer shows how to make it work currently - which is far from trivial.
Some thoughts about the error and a potential - slow - workaround:
indeed does not implement the System.IFormattable
interface. It's unclear to me why this cast is even attempted or - in case the attempt is by design - why the exception isn't caught.
When PowerShell stringifies objects, it checks for whether they implement the IFormattable
, so that a culture-invariant string representation can be requested. Conceivably, the bug has to do with mistakenly believing MySqlDateTime
to implement this interface.
does have an explicit conversion operator to .NET's [datetime]
) type, which you should be able to use from PowerShell with a [datetime]
Thus, the following approach may work as a workaround:
For a given table's rows, replace the MySqlDateTime
-typed properties (columns) with properties that explicitly convert the values to [datetime]
, with the help of Select-Object
and calculated properties.
Note that such an approach will be slow, because a new object must be constructed for each row, which also means that the type identity of the rows will be lost.
Note: The following is a simplified, self-contained example that simulates your MySQL data types; for simplicity, type [string]
is used in lieu of
to modify the columns of interest with an explicit [datetime]
cast - adapt accordingly.
# These sample rows simulate the following:
# $rows = $dataSet.Tables["data"]
$rows = @(
[pscustomobject] @{
foo = 1;
bar = '1970/01/01'
[pscustomobject] @{
foo = 2;
bar = '1970/01/02'
# Get the first row, so the data types of its properties (columns)
# can be analyzed.
# (I assume there's a way to do this directly via a table object,
# and its column definitions, but I'm not familiar with the MySQL .NET API.)
$firstRow = $rows | Select-Object -First 1
# Construct an array of property names / calculated properties to pass
# to Select-Object below.
$propArray = foreach ($prop in $firstRow.psobject.Properties) {
if ($prop.Value -is [string]) { # Substitute [MySql.Data.Types.MySqlDateTime] here.
Name = $prop.Name
Expression = [scriptblock]::Create("[datetime] `$_.$($prop.Name)")
else {
# Now output all rows with the [MySqlDateTime] columns (properties)
# converted to [datetime].
$rows | Select-Object $propArray