
Get Input in Python Interactive Mode

Say I have a simple script that depends on my input:

w = input()
print(f'Input is {w}')

If I copy and paste this script (both lines at the same time) into the interactive window, it won't pause on input line to receive an input.

>>> w = input()
print(f'Input is {w}')

Is there any way to change this behavior?

Update: This seems to work just fine on Pycharm:

In: w = input()
print(f'Input is {w}')
>? test
Input is test


  • You could use IPython, which supports pasting blocks:

    In [1]: w = input()
       ...: print(f'Input is {w}')
    Input is a

    Just in case that doesn't work, you could use the command %paste to load and execute the clipboard contents, or %cpaste so that you can paste manually:

    In [2]: %paste
    w = input()
    print(f'Input is {w}')
    ## -- End pasted text --
    Input is b
    In [4]: %cpaste
    Pasting code; enter '--' alone on the line to stop or use Ctrl-D.
    :w = input()
    :print(f'Input is {w}')
    ERROR! Session/line number was not unique in database. History logging moved to new session 1903
    Input is c

    (I'm not sure what this error means BTW, though I notice the "In" number ticked up once more than it should have.)

    See also: Paste Multi-line Snippets into IPython