
White text color on Pixel 6 android

I have an app available on play store and users have been reporting that they can enter any text due to the fact that the text color is white, which very weird. I have used Firebase Test Lab to try reproduce the issue. I could indeed reproduce it. On Pixel 5, everything is fine and the input text on EditText is visible. Text is black and background is white. On Pixel 6 on the other hand, there is nothing to see. I have not set any text color on the edit text, so everything is out of the box. Unfortunately there is not yet an Emulator for Pixel 6 in android studio. Therefore I can't really debug to see what's going on.

What is so new on Pixel 6 that sets white as the text color?

Best regards


  • I manage to solve the problem.Changing the parent of my style from Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.NoActionBar to Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar did the trick.