I am trying to create a k8s cluster using the kops utility, however, I am getting the below error.
I have a public hostedzone in route53 connectingclouds.in
kops create cluster --cloud=aws --node-count=1 --name=devk8s.connectingclouds.in --zones=ap-south-1a --master-zones=ap-south-1a --state=s3://dev-k8s-connectingclouds --dns-zone=connectingclouds.in --node-size=t2.micro --master-size=t2.micro --master-volume-size 10 --node-volume-size 10 --networking calico
The error you see there means that the control plane is unable to update your API DNS entry. This happens when a component called dns-controller doesn't run.
You are trying to use very small instances for your control plane. Smaller instances than t3.medium, which is the default, will probably not be able to run the control plane components.