I've started tackling coding problems to try and improve my skills.
I'm working on the 'Alien Dictionary' coding problem which, when given a sorted list of 'Alien Words' you need to determine the 'Alien Alphabet'. The alien alphabet is made up of Latin characters but in a different order than ours.
I've since learned there are more optimised ways of solving this which I will look into, but I want to see my instinctual approach through to completion.
My code does compile with c++20 and outputs the correct alphabet, however, I had to implement a 'hack' to cover an edge case which I explain in a code comment.
I can't quite wrap my head around why I needed the hack, or how to fix my code to not require it.
#include <iostream> // std::cout
#include <map> // std::map
#include <vector> // std::vector
#include <algorithm> // std::sort
Input: words[] = ["pbb", "bpku", "bpkb", "kbp", "kbu"];
Expected Output: ['p', 'u', 'b', 'k'];
typedef std::vector<std::string> WordList;
WordList alienWords = {"pbb", "bpku", "bpkb", "kbp", "kbu"};
typedef std::map<std::pair<char, char>, char> RuleBook;
RuleBook alienRuleBook;
typedef std::vector<char> Alphabet;
Alphabet alienAlphabet;
void populateAlphabet(Alphabet& alphabet, WordList& wordList) {
for (int word = 0; word < wordList.size(); word++) {
for (int letter = 0; letter < wordList[word].size(); letter++) {
if(std::find(alphabet.begin(), alphabet.end(), wordList[word][letter]) == alphabet.end()) {
void generateRules(RuleBook& ruleBook, WordList& wordList){
for (int firstWord = 0; firstWord < wordList.size(); firstWord++) {
for (int secondWord = firstWord + 1; secondWord < wordList.size(); secondWord++) {
if (secondWord == wordList.size()) break;
int letter = 0;
for (; letter < wordList[firstWord].size(); letter++) {
if (wordList[firstWord][letter] == wordList[secondWord][letter]) continue;
ruleBook[{wordList[firstWord][letter], wordList[secondWord][letter]}] = '<';
ruleBook[{wordList[secondWord][letter], wordList[firstWord][letter]}] = '>';
// needs to return TRUE if 'l' should come before 'r'.
bool getRule(char l, char r) {
switch(alienRuleBook[{l, r}]) {
case '>': return false;
case '<': return true;
std::cout << "ERROR! No rule found for: '" << l << "' vs '" << r << "'\n\n";
// The below is a hack because I don't understand to fix the case of {'u', 'k'}
// There's no 'discovered' rule saying 'u' comes before 'k' or 'k' comes after 'u'
// even though we KNOW 'u' comes before 'b' and we know that 'b' comes before 'k'.
return true;
void printAlphabet(Alphabet& alphabet){
std::cout << "=== Alphabet ===" << "\n ";
for(const auto it : alphabet)
std::cout << it << " ";
std::cout << "\n================\n\n";
void printRuleBook(RuleBook& ruleBook){
std::cout << "=== Discovered Rules ===" << "\n";
for(const auto it : ruleBook)
std::cout << " " << it.first.first << " " << it.second << " " << it.first.second << '\n';
std::cout << "================\n\n";
int main() {
populateAlphabet(alienAlphabet, alienWords);
generateRules(alienRuleBook, alienWords);
std::sort(alienAlphabet.begin(), alienAlphabet.end(), getRule);
return 0;
In order to implement the getRule
function if there is no implicit rule for {a, b}
, you should search for {a, x} = '>'
where {x, b} = '>'
or {a, x} = '<'
where {x, b} = '<'
// in case if a > b, you search for "a > x and x > b".
// In other words, if a is greater than x and x is greater than b,
// then a is greater than b.
a ... x ... b
// the similar is for case when a < b
b ... x ... a
In case if you cannot find {a, x} and {x, b}
, you should search for {a, x} + {x, y} + {y, b}
. The search depth can increase. I'm not sure that is good solution.
I would suggest to look at the problem as a directed graph:
and p->u->b
and (duplicated) p->u
). That will be the first char of the alphabetp
. That will give you the second char (u
and find the node that has no other incoming connections except p
and u
. That will give you b