I've been able to parse some JSON succesfully up to a point but cannot access a specific object:
My overall code:
$myFile = Get-Content -Raw -Path UKStore.json | ConvertFrom-Json
$counter = 0
foreach ($link in $myFile.links)
Write-Host $link.id "and" $link.name
Write-Host $link.default_sku
Write-Host $counter
Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"
Now, what I get for each iteration is something like this below. So, line 1 is great and is outputting what I need but line 2 needs to be processed further:
EP9000-NPEE00001_00-GCRASHBAND000001 and Crash Bandicoot®
@{amortizeFlag=False; bundleExclusiveFlag=False; chargeImmediatelyFlag=False; charge_type_id=0; credit_card_required_flag=0; defaultSku=True; display_price=£3.99; eligibilities=System.Object[]; entitlements=System.Object[]; id=EP9000-NPEE00001_00-GCRASHBAND000001-EE03; is_original=False; name=Full Game; platforms=System.Object[]; price=399; rewards=System.Object[]; seasonPassExclusiveFlag=False; skuAvailabilityOverrideFlag=False; sku_type=0; type=standard}
I simply cannot, no matter what notation I try get access to the properties in "$link.default_sku" I'm clearly not connecting something right in my brain but I feel that:
Should give me the value £3.99 from the above object but instead I get nothing returned at all. Any help to get through this mental blockage would be great.
Went a level higher for Format-Custom
$link | Format-Custom
class PSCustomObject
bucket = games
container_type = product
content_type = 1
default_sku = @{amortizeFlag=False; bundleExclusiveFlag=False; chargeImmediatelyFlag=False; charge_type_id=0;
credit_card_required_flag=0; defaultSku=True; display_price=£24.99; eligibilities=System.Object[];
entitlements=System.Object[]; id=EP2595-CUSA07370_00-0001000100010001-E001; is_original=False; name=Full Game;
platforms=System.Object[]; price=2499; rewards=System.Object[]; seasonPassExclusiveFlag=False;
skuAvailabilityOverrideFlag=False; sku_type=0; type=standard}
gameContentTypesList =
game_contentType = Full Game
id = EP2595-CUSA07370_00-0001000100010001
images =
name = Past Cure™
playable_platform = PS4™
provider_name = Phantom 8 Studio UG
release_date =
class DateTime
Date =
class DateTime
Date =
class DateTime
Date =
class DateTime
Date =
class DateTime
Date = 23/02/2018 00:00:00
Day = 23
DayOfWeek = Friday
DayOfYear = 54
Hour = 0
Kind = Utc
Millisecond = 0
Minute = 0
Month = 2
Second = 0
Ticks = 636549408000000000
TimeOfDay = 00:00:00
Year = 2018
DateTime = 23 February 2018 00:00:00
Day = 23
DayOfWeek = Friday
DayOfYear = 54
Hour = 0
Kind = Utc
Millisecond = 0
Minute = 0
Month = 2
Second = 0
Ticks = 636549408000000000
TimeOfDay =
class TimeSpan
Ticks = 0
Days = 0
Hours = 0
Milliseconds = 0
Minutes = 0
Seconds = 0
TotalDays = 0
TotalHours = 0
TotalMilliseconds = 0
TotalMinutes = 0
TotalSeconds = 0
Year = 2018
DateTime = 23 February 2018 00:00:00
Day = 23
DayOfWeek = Friday
DayOfYear = 54
Hour = 0
Kind = Utc
Millisecond = 0
Minute = 0
Month = 2
Second = 0
Ticks = 636549408000000000
TimeOfDay =
class TimeSpan
Ticks = 0
Days = 0
Hours = 0
Milliseconds = 0
Minutes = 0
Seconds = 0
TotalDays = 0
TotalHours = 0
TotalMilliseconds = 0
TotalMinutes = 0
TotalSeconds = 0
Year = 2018
DateTime = 23 February 2018 00:00:00
Day = 23
DayOfWeek = Friday
DayOfYear = 54
Hour = 0
Kind = Utc
Millisecond = 0
Minute = 0
Month = 2
Second = 0
Ticks = 636549408000000000
TimeOfDay =
class TimeSpan
Ticks = 0
Days = 0
Hours = 0
Milliseconds = 0
Minutes = 0
Seconds = 0
TotalDays = 0
TotalHours = 0
TotalMilliseconds = 0
TotalMinutes = 0
TotalSeconds = 0
Year = 2018
DateTime = 23 February 2018 00:00:00
Day = 23
DayOfWeek = Friday
DayOfYear = 54
Hour = 0
Kind = Utc
Millisecond = 0
Minute = 0
Month = 2
Second = 0
Ticks = 636549408000000000
TimeOfDay =
class TimeSpan
Ticks = 0
Days = 0
Hours = 0
Milliseconds = 0
Minutes = 0
Seconds = 0
TotalDays = 0
TotalHours = 0
TotalMilliseconds = 0
TotalMinutes = 0
TotalSeconds = 0
Year = 2018
DateTime = 23 February 2018 00:00:00
restricted = False
revision = 15
short_name = Past Cure™
timestamp = 1648353047000
top_category = downloadable_game
url = https://store.playstation.com/store/api/chihiro/00_09_000/container/GB/en/999/EP2595-CUSA07370_00-0001000100010
contains a string, not a nested object, and that's why $link.default_sku.display_price
doesn't work.
That string happens to be the stringification of a nested [pscsutomobject]
, such as you would get with string interpolation (e.g., "$([pscustomobject] @{ foo=1; bar =2 })"
or - most likely in this case - when the default recursion depth of 2 is exceeded during creation of JSON text using ConvertTo-Json
, a common and regrettable pitfall - see this post.
You have two options:
Fix the problem at the source, by passing a -Depth
argument that is sufficiently high to ConvertTo-Json
to prevent truncation when the UKStore.json
file is created.
If that is not an option, you'll have to do text parsing to extract the value of interest from the string. Note, however, that this isn't generally robust, because the stringification format of [pscustomobject]
s is meant for the human observer, not for programmatic processing. Notably, quotation marks around string values with spaces are lost:
# -> '£24.99'
$link.default_sku -replace '(?s).+\bdisplay_price=([^;]+).+', '$1'