
How to order bug reports by creation time

I am currently querying Bugzilla as follows:

r = requests.get(
        "chfield": "[Bug creation]",
        "chfieldfrom": "2015-01-01",
        "chfieldto": "2016-01-01",
        "resolution": "FIXED",
        "limit": 200,
        "api_key": api_key,
        "include_fields": [

and all I would like to add to my query is a method for ordering the bug reports. I have scoured the web for a method for ordering these results: ultimately, I would like them to be ordered from "2016-01-01" descending. I have tried adding the following key-value pairs to params:

and I've tried editing the URL to be but none of these approaches have worked. Unfortunately, adding invalid keys fails without error: results are returned, just not in sorted order.

Ordering and ranges (ie., chfieldfrom and chfieldto) were not in any of the documentation that I found either.

I am aware that a hacked method of gathering ordered results would be to specify a narrow range of dates to get bug reports from, but I'm hoping there exists an actual key-value pair that can be specified to achieve the task.

Notably, of course: sorting after the request returns in r is invalid, because the results in r do not contain the most recent bugs.


  • You need to add

        "order": [
            "opendate DESC",

    to your params.

    Quick test

    To see more easily that it works, just run something like this after you received the response in r:

        data = json.loads(r.content)
        bugs = data['bugs']
        times = [x['creation_time'] for x in bugs]


    ['2016-01-01T21:53:20Z', '2016-01-01T21:37:58Z', '2016-01-01T20:12:07Z', '2016-01-01T19:29:30Z', '2016-01-01T19:10:46Z', '2016-01-01T15:56:35Z',...


    If you are interested in the details: It looks like some fields in the Bugzilla codebase have different field names.

    Take a look here

      # Backward-compatibility for old field names. Goes new_name => old_name.
      # These are here and not in _translate_old_column because the rest of the
      # code actually still uses the old names, while the fielddefs table uses
      # the new names (which is not the case for the fields handled by
      # _translate_old_column).
      my %old_names = (
        creation_ts => 'opendate',
        delta_ts    => 'changeddate',
        work_time   => 'actual_tFile.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[rel path here])ime',