
double right join query

i have this table

declare @table table(year int, code int, import decimal(5,2))
insert into @table values

i want to make a query that returns the import for each year and for each code contained in the following tables (return import = 0 where there is no record for a specific combination of year and code):

declare @years table (year int)
insert into @years values

declare @codes table (code int)
insert into @codes values

i tried with somethig like that:

from @table t
right join @years y on t.year = y.year
right join @codes c on t.code = c.code

the query does not return errors (is not a problem of using create Vs declare, nor a a problem with the tables name). but i don't get the result expected:

Expected Results

Having 6 codes and 5 years I expect 30 records (one for each combination of year and code) along with the corresponding import value from "@table" for that year/code combination (or 0 if the combination is not found)

year code import
2018 390107 0.00
2018 470101 0.00
2018 470103 0.00
2018 471103 0.00
2018 53010101 0.00
2018 53015101 0.00
2019 390107 10.00
2019 470101 0.00
2019 470103 0.00
2019 471103 0.00
2019 53010101 0.00
2019 53015101 0.00
2020 390107 0.00
2020 470101 0.00
2020 470103 0.00
2020 471103 0.00
2020 53010101 0.00
2020 53015101 0.00
2021 390107 175.00
2021 470101 0.00
2021 470103 0.00
2021 471103 0.00
2021 53010101 0.00
2021 53015101 0.00
2022 390107 102.00
2022 470101 101.00
2022 470103 0.00
2022 471103 0.00
2022 53010101 0.00
2022 53015101 140.00


  • You need to cross join the Codes and Years to get every combination and then use that in the outer join

    SELECT Y.year,
           ISNULL(T.import, 0) AS import
    FROM   @years Y
           CROSS JOIN @codes C
           LEFT JOIN @table T
                  ON T.year = Y.year
                     AND T.code = C.code