
Can I use createMediaElementSource() without a DOM element?

I am streaming PCM audio chunks by emitting them via Then on the browser am using pcm-player to feed the the data as they are received.

I can hear the sound clearly, and everything seems fine. My issue is now that I want to visualize the sound that I am receiving, but everywhere I looked, I stumble on the same part. I need to create a AudioContext analyzer, which needs a source. The only way I can create a source, is by linking it to an <audio> tag createMediaElementSource()

My question is: How can I connect the AudioContext analyzer to the PCMPlayer source? This is what the PCMPlayer contains: enter image description here


  • Looks like the gainNode is what PCM Player uses as the final AudioNode in its internal graph.

    You can just use that as an input for your visualization. But if you want to do so you need to re-use the AudioContext used by PCM Player. It's not possible to connect an AudioNode created on one AudioContext to another AudioContext.

    The following should work:

    const analyserNode = AnalyserNode(pcmPlayer.audioCtx);