
Solana transaction using python

I am trying to make a transaction using python in the Solana network, I am using python library and, but I am unable to identify how to open the wallet for signing the transaction


  • ANSWER: AUG-2022

    This took me quite some time to figure out. I have only traveled part of the road. The next steps are fro you to take on your own.

    What you will need:

    1. A wallet address with SOL (devnet) and secret key
    2. A token
    3. A token account with the tokens you will send.
    4. A empty token account to send tokens to

    The easiest way to do this is by following tutorials on how to create and send tokens through the solana-cli and token-spl command line. (please use ubuntu lxd lxc containers so you don't have to worry about your pc) I recommend network chucks solana tutorial.

    Try doing this in Shell to begin with, next do as you please.

    from spl.token.constants import TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID
    from spl.token.instructions import transfer_checked, TransferCheckedParams
    from solana.rpc.commitment import Confirmed
    from solana.rpc.api import Client
    from solana.rpc.types import TxOpts
    from solana.keypair import Keypair
    from solana.publickey import PublicKey
    from solana.transaction import Transaction
    from_token_account = PublicKey("Brnvzh...bGPED")
    to_token_account = PublicKey("6Uij3...Ahmtp")
    from_wallet_address = PublicKey("rjPKeL...wedQp")
    mint_public_id = PublicKey("4qYnL....Pt4taGk")
    SECRET_KEY = bytes([43,124,...,3,226,229,189]) #from the account you are sending from. AKA owner account. You will find this in id.json 
    transaction = Transaction()
                from_token_account, #Its not your wallet address! Its the token account address!
                mint_public_id, # token address 
                to_token_account, # to the receiving token account.
                from_wallet_address, # wallet address connected to the from_token_account. needs to have SOL
                1, #amount of tokens to send.
                9, #default decimal places. Don't touch in it most cases
                [] #default. Don't touch it in most cases
    client = Client(endpoint="", commitment=Confirmed) #devnet you can change it to the main net if you want
    owner = Keypair.from_secret_key(SECRET_KEY) # <-- need the keypair for the token owner here! [20,103,349, ... 230,239,239]
        transaction, owner, opts=TxOpts(skip_confirmation=False, preflight_commitment=Confirmed)) #don't touch it in most cases.