I have a dataframe of ICD10 codes that I need to convert to their respective subchapters. The subchapters of these codes are identified using the first 3 characters of each code i.e. the subchapter for M1711 is M17.
Is there an efficient way to map from these codes to their subchapters?
Here's an example dataset of codes that I'm using:
df <- data.frame(codes = c("Z23","M1711","E0500","Z00129","G4452"))
I understand that Jack O. Wasey has a great package ICD
that can convert to comorbidities and also has the subchapter dataset:
sub_chap <- icd::icd10_sub_chapters
But as you can see below, the data is in a range of values and is not in the right format for 'joining' to.
When I unlist the subchapters I am missing values in between the values in the original dataframe
sub_chap_df = as.data.frame(unlist(sub_chap))
Is there an efficient way that I can convert my ICD10 codes to their respective subchapter?
You can use tidyr::complete()
and tidyr::full_seq()
to fill in the full range of codes. You’ll also need to separate the letter and numeric parts of the code to use full_seq()
, then join them back together.
Note I don’t have the icd package installed, so I made some quick stand-in data.
# example data
sub_chap <- list(
cat1 = c(start = "A01", end = "A09"),
cat2 = c(start = "A15", end = "A19")
subchap_lookup <- tibble(
subchapter = names(sub_chap),
codes = sub_chap
) %>%
unnest_longer(codes, indices_include = FALSE) %>%
separate(codes, into = c("letter", "number"), sep = 1, convert = TRUE) %>%
group_by(subchapter, letter) %>%
complete(number = full_seq(number, 1)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
codes = str_c(letter, str_pad(number, 2, pad = "0")),
.keep = "unused"
# A tibble: 14 × 2
subchapter codes
<chr> <chr>
1 cat1 A01
2 cat1 A02
3 cat1 A03
4 cat1 A04
5 cat1 A05
6 cat1 A06
7 cat1 A07
8 cat1 A08
9 cat1 A09
10 cat2 A15
11 cat2 A16
12 cat2 A17
13 cat2 A18
14 cat2 A19
You can then proceed with a simple left join:
left_join(df, subchap_lookup)