
How to pass prop with the Pressable onPress attribute or with any other attribute or any alternative method?

I am trying to pass the answer string (of mapped answers) into handleButtonClick function where I will compare the answer with the correct answer. Here is the code that is creating the answer string:

        { => (
          <View key={answer}>
              onPress={handleButtonClick} >

And here is the code for handleButtonClick:

const handleButtonClick= () => {

  //check answer due to correct answer
  const correct = questions[number].correct_answer === answer;  // I am trying to pass the "answer" variable to here in order to make the comparison

  console.log("isCorrect = ", correct)

  //add score if answer is correct
  if (correct) {
    setScore(prev => prev + 1);



  • Pass it like this:

    <Pressable onPress={() => handleButtonClick(answer)} >
    const handleButtonClick = (answer) => {
      const correct = questions[number].correct_answer === answer;
      console.log("isCorrect = ", correct)
      //add score if answer is correct
      if (correct) {
        setScore(prev => prev + 1);