I am using Xaringan slides. I want to write dollar values like $10-$5=$5 using math notation.
My code is the following:
$ \$10-\$5 = \$5 $.
However, the code will not generate the outcome in mathematical way as I wanted.
I know it works with double dollar sign $$
, but I want to the result stay on the same line.
Also I don't want to put USD or CAD instead of $. Any tip?
Instead of using \$
just define a macro using latex syntax \newcommand
output: xaringan::moon_reader
# Defining inline math expression containing currency dollar sign
<!---- This is a macro for Mathjax ----->
<!---- --------------------------- ----->
This line conttain inline expression $\dollars10 - \dollars5 = \dollars5$
which looks like,