I am creating a PowerShell script using Convert To-JSON cmd and i achieved that using below
$body = @{
devices = @(
credentials = @(
label = 'username'
value = 'myname'
sensitive = 'false'
label = 'Password'
value = 'Password@!'
sensitive = 'true'
services = @(
name = 'RDP'
url = "https://$inputIpAddress/?pauth=[proxy_token]&data=[connection:$inputUsername]"
instructor = 'false'
name = 'HTTPS'
url = "https://$inputIpAddress/?pauth=[proxy_token]&data=[connection:$inputUsername]"
instructor = 'false'
name = 'SSH'
url = "https://$inputIpAddress/?pauth=[proxy_token]&data=[connection:$inputUsername]"
instructor = 'false'
connections = @(
id = 'myname-rdp'
protocol = 'rdp'
hostname = ""
port ='3389'
Parameters = @(
name = 'username'
value = 'myname'
name = 'password'
value = 'Password@!'
i am converting the above powershell to JSON File($body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4
) and i would like to replace pass the arguments for the Username and IP Address and store it with the username.json every time while converting to JSON.
i have tried the Read-host to get the input from the user but i am facing difficulty to pass that input before printing the output.
For the IP address, you can set the new value by defining the parameter using standard dot-notation.
In the case of username
, because Parameters
is an array with duplicate object names, doing $body.devices.Parameters.name
would return both the username and password objects, so you can filter the array to only select the object where the name
is username
$inputUsername = Read-Host "Input Username"
$inputIpAddress = Read-Host "Input IP address"
( $body.devices.Parameters | Where-Object { $_.name -eq 'username' } ).value = $inputUsername
$body.devices.connections.hostname = $inputIpAddress
$body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4