
Bison Shift/Reduce conficts


    /* precedences */
    %left T_LPAREN T_RPAREN 
    %left T_MULOP T_DIVOP
    %left T_ADDOP
    %left T_ANDOP
    %left T_OROP
    %left T_NOTOP
    %right T_POWEROP
    %right T_ASSIGN
    %nonassoc T_RELOP
    %nonassoc T_PAIROP
    %start program 

** syntax rules - same file **
   program:  body T_END subprograms

body:  declarations statements

declarations: declarations couplespec type vars
            | declarations T_DATA vals
            | %empty { }

couplespec: T_COUPLE
          | %empty { }

    | T_REAL

vars: vars T_COMMA undef_variable
    | undef_variable

undef_variable: T_ID T_LPAREN dims T_RPAREN         
              | T_ID                                

dims: dims T_COMMA dim
    | dim

   | T_ID                                

vals: vals T_COMMA T_ID value_list      
    | T_ID value_list                   

value_list: T_DIVOP values T_DIVOP

values: values T_COMMA value
      | value

value: repeat T_MULOP T_ADDOP simp_constant
     | repeat T_MULOP constant
     | repeat T_MULOP T_STRING
     | T_ADDOP simp_constant
     | constant
     | T_STRING

repeat: T_ICONST
      | %empty { }

simp_constant: T_ICONST
             | T_RCONST
             | T_LCONST
             | T_CCONST

constant: simp_constant
        | coup_constant

coup_constant: T_LPAREN simp_constant T_COLON simp_constant T_RPAREN
             | T_LPAREN simp_constant T_COLON T_ADDOP simp_constant T_RPAREN
             | T_LPAREN T_ADDOP simp_constant T_COLON simp_constant T_RPAREN
             | T_LPAREN T_ADDOP simp_constant T_COLON T_ADDOP simp_constant T_RPAREN

statements: statements labeled_statement
          | labeled_statement

labeled_statement: label statement
                 | statement

label: T_ICONST

statement: simple_statement
         | compound_statement

simple_statement: assignment
                | goto_statement
                | if_statement
                | subroutine_call
                | io_statement
                | T_CONTINUE
                | T_RETURN
                | T_STOP

assignment: variable T_ASSIGN expression
          | variable T_ASSIGN T_STRING

variable: variable T_LPAREN expressions T_RPAREN
        | T_ID                                      

expressions: expressions T_COMMA expression
            | expression

expression: expression T_OROP expression
          | expression T_ANDOP expression
          | expression T_RELOP expression
          | expression T_ADDOP expression
          | expression T_MULOP expression
          | expression T_DIVOP expression
          | expression T_POWEROP expression
          | T_NOTOP expression
          | T_ADDOP expression
          | T_PAIROP expression
          | variable
          | constant
          | T_LPAREN expression T_COLON expression T_RPAREN
          | T_LPAREN expression T_RPAREN

goto_statement: T_GOTO label
              | T_GOTO T_ID T_COMMA T_LPAREN labels T_RPAREN            

labels: labels T_COMMA label
      | label

if_statement: T_IF T_LPAREN expression T_RPAREN label T_COMMA label T_COMMA label
            | T_IF T_LPAREN expression T_RPAREN simple_statement
            | T_IF error expression T_RPAREN simple_statement           
            | T_IF T_LPAREN expression error simple_statement            

subroutine_call: T_CALL variable

io_statement: T_READ read_list
            | T_WRITE write_list

read_list: read_list T_COMMA read_item
         | read_item

read_item: variable
         | T_LPAREN read_list T_COMMA T_ID T_ASSIGN iter_space T_RPAREN         

iter_space: expression T_COMMA expression step

step: T_COMMA expression
    | %empty { }

write_list: write_list T_COMMA write_item
          | write_item

write_item: expression
          | T_LPAREN write_list T_COMMA T_ID T_ASSIGN iter_space T_RPAREN       
          | T_STRING

compound_statement: branch_statement
                  | loop_statement

branch_statement: T_IF T_LPAREN expression T_RPAREN T_THEN body tail

tail: T_ELSE body T_ENDIF
    | T_ENDIF

loop_statement: T_DO T_ID T_ASSIGN iter_space body T_ENDDO                      

subprograms: subprograms subprogram
           | %empty { }

subprogram: header body T_END

header: type T_FUNCTION T_ID T_LPAREN formal_parameters T_RPAREN                
      | T_SUBROUTINE T_ID T_LPAREN formal_parameters T_RPAREN                   
      | T_SUBROUTINE T_ID                                                       

formal_parameters: type vars T_COMMA formal_parameters
                 | type vars

(FILE: parserr.output)

State 87 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce

State 124 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce

(State 87 ):

State 87

 37 constant: simp_constant .

 39 coup_constant: "(" simp_constant . ":" simp_constant ")"

 40              | "(" simp_constant . ":" "+ -" simp_constant ")"

  ":"  shift, and go to state 125

  ":"       [reduce using rule 37 (constant)]

  $default  reduce using rule 37 (constant)

(State 124):

 State 124

 37 constant: simp_constant .
 41 coup_constant: "(" "+ -" simp_constant . ":" simp_constant ")"
 42              | "(" "+ -" simp_constant . ":" "+ -" simp_constant ")"

  ":"  shift, and go to state 159

  ":"       [reduce using rule 37 (constant)]
  $default  reduce using rule 37 (constant)

I am getting 2 shift/reduce conflicts, i tried using %prec XXX in the end but it did not work. I also tried defining colon ":" with left precedence, it didnt work either.


  • Your grammar has an ambiguity in the rules for expression:

    expression: T_LPAREN expression T_COLON expression T_RPAREN
    expression: constant


    constant: coup_constant
    coup_constant: T_LPAREN simp_constant T_COLON simp_constant T_RPAREN

    (1,2) can be produced through either of these, resulting in the conflict.

    The simplest resolution would be to replace expression: constant with expression: simp_constant, forcing the parser to accept the more general option.

    Trying to use the constant interpretation when possible will make it impossible to correctly parse (2:a), which is a valid expression, because the parser needs to decide before a is the lookahead. For the same reason, you cannot readily solve this conflict with a precedence declaration.

    That might or might not conform to your semantic requirements, but you could transform the constant in the semantic action were that necessary.