Has anyone deployed QUIC with a supported/official Kubernetes Ingress Controller? I have been using the NGINX ingress so far and support for QUIC seems to be NOT there at present.
QUIC/HTTP3 is not yet available in the Stable Nginx
and to be available in the Nginx ingress controller will defiantly take time.
Product Management tells me that we hope to fully support QUIC and HTTP/3 by the end of 2022. Note that this is not a promise :-)
QUIC/HTTP3 will be targeted in the Nginx ingress controller once nginx release becomes stable.
we have just upgraded to nginx 1.20.1 and from here https://quic.nginx.org/README it looks that HTTP/3 is still experimental so not until there is a stable release will we be implementing HTTP/3.
Here is the feature request [FEATURE REQUEST] HTTP/3 support
You can try the nginx docker image that show how to build with quick support and try to use Network Load Balancer hope that will work.