
How can I get currency exchange rates in Snowflake? (Historic and updated daily)

I see the Snowflake Marketplace has multiple providers of Exchange Rates. Is there one free and updated daily?


  • A good source of data is Knoema's table "knoema_economy_data_atlas.economy.exratescc2018".

    To get it into your Snowflake account, find it in the Snowflake Marketplace first:

    Then you'll be ready to write queries like this:

    select "Currency", "Units", "Currency Description", "Date", "Value"
    from knoema_economy_data_atlas.economy.exratescc2018
    where "Indicator Name"= 'Close'
    and "Currency Exchange" = 'Real-time FX'
    and "Frequency" = 'D'
    and "Date" = '2022-08-08'

    With that query you'll notice that there are 182 exchange rates listed by August 8th 2022 (from the source 'Real-time FX').

    Note that:

    Let's check history: There's a historic moment when 1 USD = 1 Euro = 1000 CLP (Chile), and in this chart you can see that it was a pretty singular moment.

    enter image description here

    You can also see that Knoema brought the Euro/USD exchange rate to Snowflake since 1975, and the Chilean/USD exchange rate since 1990. The surprising part is the Euro was launched on 1999 - I'm assuming the previous rates come from the historical ECU.

    The query to produce above chart:

    select "Currency", "Units", "Currency Description", "Date"
        , IFF("Currency"='USD/CLP', "Value"/1000, "Value") "Value"
    from knoema_economy_data_atlas.economy.exratescc2018
    where "Indicator Name"= 'High'
    and "Currency Exchange" = 'Real-time FX'
    and "Frequency" = 'M'
    and "Currency" in ('USD/CLP', 'USD/EUR')

    enter image description here