We have our delta-lake from which we can query data. We also connected it with Power BI to make interactive dashboards. It's in production. Now we want to use Azure Purview to avail all the data governance and data catalog things on top of this delta-lake.
We followed this official documentation and have done all the steps. As you can see from the screenshot below, we are able to connect both worlds.
Now when we start the scan, it shows an error with "Error: (3913) JavaException: Must have Java 8 or newer installed"
In the Windows VM where we are having integration runtime, we installed Java, added it to the system path, and also added JAVA_HOME as system variables as well
Here are the screenshots of that Windows VM ensuring we have Java:
java --version
JAVA_HOME as System Variable:
Java directory in the Path:
We have pulled every trick we could, no luck at all. We are not sure if is there any other place where we need to install Java.
Error: (3913) JavaException: Must have Java 8 or newer install
The message error is quite misleading
As per Microsoft Document,
Ensure JDK 11 is installed on the machine where the self-hosted integration runtime is installed
Currently the Purview preview connection only functions with JDK 11; it is not compatible with JDK versions higher or below.
To fix this issue uninstall your current JDK installed version and install JDK 11 after installing, restart the computer and try again.