So I have a bunch of vcxproj files under the following folder
│ └───scrproj
│ └───pjrdir
│ └───winsix
│ └───Arithmetic.vcxproj
There are bunch of vcxproj under winsix, I have taken one example here.
The files for Arthmetic.vcxproj are stored under
│ └───scrproj
│ └───mediadir
│ └───Idexter
│ ├───create.cpp
│ ├───update.cpp
│ ├───read.cpp
│ ├───delete.cpp
The vcxpproj file is present under the solution file math.sln
│ └───scrproj
│ └───mediadir
│ └───Idexter2
│ └───math.sln
the content of sln file being
Project("{506CAAF2-81A4-4731-B667-24899A39FC25}") = "Arithmetic", "..\..\pjrdir\winsix\Arithmetic.vcxproj", "{DCB15F39-4E20-439D-A949-368B48CF261E}"
Now I need the smart and simple solution to move my vcxproj from its current folder to another folder Arithmetic
with structure as
│ └───scrproj
│ └───mediadir
│ └───Idexter
│ └───Arithmetic
How can I do this without me manually editing the vcproj, vcxproj.users, vcxproj.filters files
Here is what you need to do.
from the sln Math
from the solution explorer.Idexter->Arithmetic
Note : You don't need to move Arithmetic.vcxproj.user
files as these are automatically created.Check for any relative path here that needs to be edited. Basic tags being ItemGroup.