
Add UID or Unique ID in Wagtail/Django

So my question was how I can generate a random UID or slug for my CMS. If I use the default id which is coming from API v2 people can easily guess my next post URL easily.

Is there any way to add a unique slug/ID/UUID for my wagtail CMS?


  • Here is the simple solution, go to your bolg/ and first install pip install django-autoslug

    Then import this

    from django.db.models import CharField, Model
    from autoslug import AutoSlugField
    from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string

    Here we are adding another extension called get_random_string which will generate a random string every time you call it.

    Then add this in your AddStory {Your add post class}

    #Defining a function to get random id every call
    def randomid(self):
    # creating a custom slug to show in frontend.
    news_slug = AutoSlugField(populate_from='randomid', unique = True, null= True, default=None)

    Here I defined a function called randomid which will return a 10 digit string on every call. Then I created a new field called news_slug which is coming from Django auto_slug extension, wich will populate from the randomid, and the URL must unique (ex: if it all 10 digit string are finished it will add -1,-2 so on ( ex: sxcfsf12e4-1), here null = true means that this field can be empty so that autoslug can generate unique ID.

    Then expose that news_slug filed in API.


    you can access all field like this /api/v2/pages/?type=blog.AddStory&fields=*

    Here type=blog is your blog app and AddStory is your class.

    Hope this helps, it took time for me to find out. More wagtail tutorials will come.