
Make local server reload code after changes

I have files index.html and style.css I want to test using a local server, which I do by running python -m http.server.

If I make a change to file style.css (i.e. a file that is not index.html), then when I reload the page I'd like to see the corresponding update. When this actually happens, on the terminal the following appears:

::ffff: - - [11/Aug/2022 09:55:24] "GET /style.css HTTP/1.1" 200 -

but this happens very inconsistently: more often than not, when I make a change to the file and reload the page, it doesn't update at all.

What can I do so that each time I reload the page, the server reloads style.css?


  • You can press CTRL + F5 force browser to get data from server immediately not from browser's cache.