I'm trying to send a message from my Azure Spring App into my Azure Service Bus Queue. The Spring App has a system-assigned managed identity with the Azure Service Bus Data Sender RBAC assigned to it. However, the error still complains that Send claims are missing:
logger: com.azure.core.amqp.implementation.RetryUtil
message: ReactorSender connectionId[MF_1b9f17_166...] linkName[testapptestapp]: Waiting for send and receive handler to be ACTIVE
Unauthorized access. 'Send' claim(s) are required to perform this operation. Resource: 'sb://servicebus-namespace.servicebus.windows.net/testapp'. TrackingId:8479..., SystemTracker:gateway5, Timestamp:2022-08-10T09:46:42, errorContext[NAMESPACE: servicebus-namespace.servicebus.windows.net. ERROR CONTEXT: N/A, PATH: testapp, REFERENCE_ID: testapptestapp, LINK_CREDIT: 0]
One thing that is strange here is that the linkName[testapptestapp] is doubled, shouldn't it only be testapp, not testapptestapp?
This is my Java Code I'm using in my Azure Spring App:
TokenCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder()
.build(); // the credential is managed in Azure AD (Role: Azure Service Bus Data Sender)
ServiceBusSenderClient senderClient = new ServiceBusClientBuilder()
.credential("servicebus-namespace.servicebus.windows.net", credential)
senderClient.sendMessage(new ServiceBusMessage("test-message"));
Additional info: These additional logs are logged just before the above error message gets logged (in ascending order, the first message gets logged just before the error gets logged):
logger: com.azure.core.amqp.implementation.ActiveClientTokenManager
message: { [-]
az.sdk.message: Scheduling refresh token task.
scopes: https://servicebus.azure.net/.default
logger: com.azure.identity.ManagedIdentityCredential
message: Azure Identity => Managed Identity environment: AZURE VM IMDS ENDPOINT
logger: com.azure.identity.ManagedIdentityCredential
message: Azure Identity => getToken() result for scopes [https://servicebus.azure.net/.default]: SUCCESS
logger: com.azure.identity.ChainedTokenCredential
message: Azure Identity => Attempted credential ManagedIdentityCredential returns a token
logger: com.azure.identity.ChainedTokenCredential
message: Azure Identity => Attempted credential EnvironmentCredential is unavailable.
Why is there a token refresh just before the error gets logged? Could that be the reason for it to fail, the refresh token was not received yet?
Our Service Bus is not in the resource group of the Spring App, so the scope for the role assignment was wrong. I changed the scope to the whole subscription with scope = data.azurerm_subscription.current.id
, then it worked:
resource "azurerm_spring_cloud_app" "myApp" {
name = var.spring_cloud_app_name
resource_group_name = data.azurerm_resource_group.main.name
service_name = var.spring_cloud_name
is_public = true
identity {
type = "SystemAssigned"
data "azurerm_subscription" "current" {}
resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "myApp-asb-sender" {
scope = data.azurerm_subscription.current.id
role_definition_name = "Azure Service Bus Data Sender"
principal_id = azurerm_spring_cloud_app.myApp.identity[0].principal_id