Until a few days ago, this query ran without problems:
Now it returns:
code 400
extendedCode -2147220985
message "Unable to complete operation."
details []
The URL without RptDt
specification still works just fine:
Here is a link to the open data portal resource.
The trouble appears to be in this bit: where=RptDt>='2022-05-01'
Did ArcGIS change the formatting for date values? Does anyone know how I can update my URL to work properly?
If you change the date query to use a standardized date format it seems to work fine, ie using RptDt>=date'2022-05-01'
instead of RptDt>='2022-05-01'
Updated example URL: https://dhsgis.wi.gov/server/rest/services/DHS_COVID19/COVID19_WI_V2/MapServer/11/query?where=RptDt%3E=date%272022-05-01%27&outFields=*&returnGeometry=false&outSR=4326&f=json