Is it possible to take two polymorphic objects and determine if they are of the same derived type (or class)? The intention is to use it as a clean way to filter a generic linked list.
Something like the following mock code.
function isSameType(a, b) result(itIs)
class(*), intent(in) :: a
class(*), intent(in) :: b
logical :: itIs
!return true if a and b are both the same type
!return false if a and b are not
end function isSameType
The standard inquiry function same_type_as
tests equality of dynamic type of two objects:
program typetest
implicit none
type t1
end type t1
type t2
end type t2
class(*), allocatable :: a, b
allocate(t1 :: a)
allocate(t2 :: b)
print *, SAME_TYPE_AS(a,b) ! False
end program
does not test declared type (except where this is the same thing). It does not consider kind parameters:
program partest
implicit none
type :: t1(n)
integer, kind :: n
end type t1
type(t1(1)) :: a
type(t1(2)) :: b
print *, SAME_TYPE_AS(a,b) ! True
end program
Further, to get a useful result you'll be wanting (at least) one of a
and b
to be of extensible dynamic type. While you can ask
program intrinsictest
implicit none
class(*), allocatable :: a, b
allocate(real :: a)
allocate(double precision :: b)
print *, SAME_TYPE_AS(a,b) ! ...
end program
the result is processor dependent (could be true or false).