I start to use recoils and typescript.
At this time, I use the default property to define each properties type of my atom :
const WipStateAtom = atom({
key: 'wipAtom',
default: {
data: null as IData | null,
ex: null as IEx | null,
But is it possible to use an interface/or a type to define the atom content like :
export interface IWipAtom {
data: IGameData | null,
ex: IEx | null,
I want to pass an atom in a function but I don't want to type it as ANY :
const [wip, setWip] = useRecoilState(WipStateAtom);
const myFunction = (thewip: any) => { ... }
I prefer to strictly define its type :
const myFunction = (thewip: IWipAtom) => { ... }
Any way to type the atom ?
You can specify the type during the atom creation:
const WipStateAtom = atom<IWipAtom>({
key: 'wipAtom',
default: {
data: null as IData | null,
ex: null as IEx | null,