I have a problem in Test section of flutter, I wrote a test for simple counter app which uses cubit, but while I run all test it gives me the error mentioned in header, any body knows why?
it is necessary to say that while I run the tests one by one all runs successfully, but when I run all group it returns that error in second and third test...
these are my code:
group("Counter Cubit", () {
CounterCubit counterCubit = CounterCubit();
setUp(() {
//counterCubit = CounterCubit();
tearDown(() {
test("The initial state for counterCubit is CounterState(counterValue: 0)",
() {
expect(counterCubit.state, CounterState(0, false));
"The cubit should emit CounterState(counter: 1, isIncrement: true) while we call
counterCubit.increment() ",
build: () => counterCubit,
act: (CounterCubit cubit) => cubit.increment(),
expect: () => [CounterState(1, true)]);
"The cubit should emit CounterState(counter: -1, isIncrement: false) while we call
counterCubit.decrement() ",
build: () => counterCubit,
act: (CounterCubit cubit) => cubit.decrement(),
expect: () => [CounterState(-1, false)]);
and my cubit and state are like below:
class CounterCubit extends Cubit<CounterState> {
CounterCubit() : super(CounterState(0, false));
void increment() => emit(CounterState(state.counter + 1, true));
void decrement() => emit(CounterState(state.counter - 1, false));
and state like:
class CounterState extends Equatable {
final int counter;
final bool isIncremented;
CounterState(this.counter, this.isIncremented);
List<Object?> get props => [counter, isIncremented];
documentation says:
blocTest creates a new
-specific test case with the givendescription
. blocTest will handle asserting that the bloc emits the expected states (in order) afteract
is executed.blocTest
also handles ensuring that no additional states are emitted by closing the bloc stream before evaluating theexpect
So basically when you run:
// ...
build: () => counterCubit, // Same instance for all tests
// ...
It disposes your BLoC instance (that you pass through build
parameter). So since the second test is using the same instance of the first test it throws an exception because in truth it was closed by the last blocTest
call (in the previous test).
And it also answer why running tests one by one works but not the group.
To fix pass a new instance when running blocTest
(through the same parameter):
// ...
build: () => CounterCubit(), // Create a new instance
// ...