
How to load a view for 403 Forbiden page in laravel

I work on a Content Management System 'CMS', and I use role & permission to make access to resources more specific. "With Spatie Laravel Permission Package"

I wrote this function in the main controller class

// Check Ability
    public function checkUserAbility($real_permission, $optional_permissions = [], $operator = '||')
        $_is_access = true;
        if (Auth::user()->hasPermissionTo($real_permission)) {
            if (!empty($optional_permissions)) {
                foreach ($optional_permissions as $optional_permission) {
                    if ($operator == '||') {
                        $_is_access |= Auth::user()->hasPermissionTo($optional_permission);
                    } else if ($operator == '&&') {
                        $_is_access &= Auth::user()->hasPermissionTo($optional_permission);
                return $_is_access ? true : App::abort(403);
            } else {
                return true;
        } else {
            return App::abort(403);

I use this function normally in the controller function to check the ability to access the resources

public function delete(Super $super)

        // Check Ability

        if (auth('super')->user()->email == $super->email)
            return response()->json([
                'icon' => 'error',
                'title' => 'Failed !',
                'text' => 'Failed to delete super',
            ], Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
        if ($super->delete()) {
            return response()->json([
                'icon' => 'success',
                'title' => 'Deleted',
                'text' => 'Super deleted successfully',
            ], Response::HTTP_OK);
        } else {
            return response()->json([
                'icon' => 'error',
                'title' => 'Failed !',
                'text' => 'Failed to delete super',
            ], Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);

Another example with the index controller function

public function index()
    // Check Ability
    $this->checkUserAbility('Read-Super', ['Update-Super', 'Delete-Super', 'Ban-Super', 'Follow-Up-Super'], '||');

    if (auth('super')->user()->email == '') {
        $supers = Super::all();
    } else {
        $supers = Super::where('email', '!=', '')->get();
    return response()->view('back-end.supers.supers.index', [
        'supers' => $supers,

Laravel blade view enter image description here

When I try to access this resource the access will be forbidden and load the Laravel 403 Access Forbidden. The point is how to load another view when this access is forbidden.


  • Publish Laravel's default error page templates using the vendor:publish Artisan command.

    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-errors

    The files of the error in the following directory


    Once the templates have been published, you may customize them to your liking:

    enter image description here

    Official document link : Custom HTTP Error Pages