
How to create an if statement for a relational database in ColdFusion?

How can I show a table row if a sub-task exists?

Database info:

Some tasks have sub-tasks, so how do I create an if statement for the results table: if tasks table has a record in the sub-tasks table display the record below the task record.

    <td> #taskName# <td>
<cfif subtask exists display row>

Tried this:

<cfif taskID = sub-taskid>

Not sure if this is the best method and how to loop if more than 1 sub-tasks are present.


  • There is an example of how to do this at bottom of this page :

    use similar to this for sql query

    <cfquery name="taskQuery" datasource="mydatasource">
        SELECT taskId, taskName, subTaskName
        FROM tasks
            RIGHT OUTER JOIN subtasks ON tasks.taskId = subtask.taskId
        ORDER BY taskWeight, taskId, subTaskWeight, subTaskId

    OR use this object to demo code

    <cfset taskQuery = queryNew("taskId,taskName,subTaskName","int,varchar,varchar",
        [ {taskId:1, taskName:"Task 1",subTaskName:"Subtask 1.1"}, 
          {taskId:1, taskName:"Task 1",subTaskName:"Subtask 1.2"}, 
          {taskId:2, taskName:"Task 2",subTaskName:"Subtask 2.1"} ])>

    then output using

    <cfoutput query="taskQuery" group="taskId">