I'm trying to use HERE Map Attributes API
to retrieve the addresses for some map area.
As far as I understood the layer I need is the POINT_ADDRESS layer
(check the docs).
The problem is that the layer contains coordinates and identifiers only, but not the structured addresses:
"ADDRESS_POINT_ID": "334030589",
"LINK_ID": "1286528309",
"SIDE": "R",
"DISPLAY_LAT": "-2751772",
"DISPLAY_LON": "15307500",
"LAT": "-2751797",
"LON": "15307488",
"TOPOLOGY_ID": "215602187",
"START_OFFSET": "8043"
So the question is: how to retrieve the structured address for every point from the POINT_ADDRESS layer? Should I use HERE Batch Geocoder API
and perform reverse geocoding for these points? Or it's still possible to achieve that with Map Attributes API only?
On this link https://developer.here.com/documentation/content-map-attributes/dev_guide/topics/here-map-content.html are not all layers in the list.
Please see all layers on https://demo.support.here.com/pde . In the weu region on https://demo.support.here.com/pde/layers?region=WEU&release=latest&url_root=pde.api.here.com
To retrieve the structured address you need additional layers ROAD_ADMIN_NAMES and ROAD_NAME
Then you request will be like: https://smap.hereapi.com/v8/maps/attributes.json?in=proximity:-27.51772,153.075001;r=100&layers=ROAD_NAME_FCn,ROAD_ADMIN_NAMES_FCn,POINT_ADDRESS&apikey=
Regarding docs on https://developer.here.com/documentation/content-map-attributes/api-reference.html
The parameter 'in' could be: proximity or bbox or corridor - for these in case for big areas you can get limitations due big data. Therefore some times it could be better use in=tile:...
Tile Ids you can get by these formulas:
tile size = 180° / 2^level [degree]
tileY = trunc((latitude + 90°) / tile size)
tileX = trunc((longitude + 180°) / tile size)
tileID = tileY * 2 * (2^level) + tileX
Or you can read this documentation https://demo.support.here.com/pde/indexes?region=WEU&release=latest&url_root=pde.api.here.com How to get tileid by some index like:
Then by tile request will be like: