class AudioRecorder {
static DateTime now =;
static String timestamp = now.toString();
var recorder = FlutterAudioRecorder2("./file_path",
audioFormat: AudioFormat.AAC);
// or var recorder = FlutterAudioRecorder2("file_path.mp3");
startRecording() async {
await recorder.initialized;
await recorder.start(); // <- error here
stopRecording() async {
var result = await recorder.stop();
I can't find a way to fix , mainly because I don't understand what does it means, why it says "cannot find the file" but the file needs to be created? (since it's a recording?)
Few points I noticed are
await recorder.initialized;
//after initialisation add this
var current = await recorder.current(channel: 0);
//you should get the current status as initialised if its done properly.
await recorder.start()
Also make sure that the file path is right
Edit This is the code to init the recorder
_init() async {
try {
bool hasPermission = await FlutterAudioRecorder2.hasPermissions ?? false;
if (hasPermission) {
String customPath = '/flutter_audio_recorder_';
io.Directory appDocDirectory;
// io.Directory appDocDirectory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
if (io.Platform.isIOS) {
appDocDirectory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
} else {
appDocDirectory = (await getExternalStorageDirectory())!;
// can add extension like ".mp4" ".wav" ".m4a" ".aac"
customPath = appDocDirectory.path + customPath +;
_recorder = FlutterAudioRecorder2(customPath, audioFormat: AudioFormat.AAC);
await _recorder!.initialized;
// after initialization
var current = await _recorder!.current(channel: 0);
// should be "Initialized", if all working fine
} else {
SnackBar(content: Text("You must accept permissions")));
} catch (e) {