I have a resource that creates multiple s3 access points depending on the input provided. The input is a map with s3 uri as the key and parsed bucket name as the value.
"s3://my_bucket/model1.tar.gz" -> "my_bucket",
"s3://my_bucket_2/model2.tar.gz" -> "my_bucket_2",
"s3://my_bucket/model3.tar.gz" -> "my_bucket"
I then use for_each
to iterate through each element in the map to create s3 access points. Unfortunately, there are 2 "my_bucket" values in the map, which means it will attempt to create s3 access points for that designated bucket twice, and thus will error out with message:
AccessPointAlreadyOwnedByYou: Your previous request to create the named accesspoint succeeded and you already own it.
How can I check that the access point exists first before creating the resource?
Code Example:
resource "aws_s3_access_point" "s3_access_point" {
for_each = var.create ? local.uri_bucket_map : {}
bucket = each.value
name = format("%s-%s", each.value, "access-point")
output "s3_access_point_arn" {
description = "The arn of the access point"
value = { for uri, ap in aws_s3_access_point.s3_access_point : uri => ap.arn }
Desired Output:
"s3://my_bucket/model1.tar.gz" -> <access point uri>,
"s3://my_bucket_2/model2.tar.gz" -> <access point uri>,
"s3://my_bucket/model3.tar.gz" -> <access point uri>
I would invert your uri_bucket_map
locals {
uri_bucket_map_inverse = {
for k,v in local.uri_bucket_map: v => k...
"my_bucket" = [
"my_bucket_2" = [
then just create access points as:
resource "aws_s3_access_point" "s3_access_point" {
for_each = var.create ? local.uri_bucket_map_inverse : {}
bucket = each.key
name = format("%s-%s", each.key, "access-point")
and the output would use both the APs and the inverted list map:
output "s3_access_point_arn" {
description = "The arn of the access point"
value = merge([for bucket_name, ap in aws_s3_access_point.s3_access_point:
{ for uri in local.uri_bucket_map_inverse[bucket_name]:
uri => ap.arn