I am new to Argo and following the Quickstart templates and would like to deploy the HTTP template as a workflow.
I create my cluster as so:
minikube start --driver=docker --cpus='2' --memory='8g'
kubectl create ns argo
kubectl apply -n argo -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/argoproj/argo-workflows/master/manifests/quick-start-postgres.yaml
I then apply the HTTP template http_template.yaml
from the docs:
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Workflow
generateName: http-template-
entrypoint: main
- name: main
- - name: get-google-homepage
template: http
parameters: [ { name: url, value: "https://www.google.com" } ]
- name: http
- name: url
timeoutSeconds: 20 # Default 30
url: "{{inputs.parameters.url}}"
method: "GET" # Default GET
- name: "x-header-name"
value: "test-value"
# Template will succeed if evaluated to true, otherwise will fail
# Available variables:
# request.body: string, the request body
# request.headers: map[string][]string, the request headers
# response.url: string, the request url
# response.method: string, the request method
# response.statusCode: int, the response status code
# response.body: string, the response body
# response.headers: map[string][]string, the response headers
successCondition: "response.body contains \"google\"" # available since v3.3
body: "test body" # Change request body
argo submit -n argo http_template.yaml --watch
However I get the the following error:
Name: http-template-564qp
Namespace: argo
ServiceAccount: unset (will run with the default ServiceAccount)
Status: Error
Message: failed to get token volumes: service account argo/default does not have any secrets
I'm not clear on why this doesn't work given it's straight from the Quickstart documentation. Help would be appreciated.
It seems your default serviceaccount is missing a credential (kubernetes secret)
You can verify the existence of the credential by checking which one it needs by running
kubectl get serviceaccount -n default default -o yaml
kubectl get serviceaccount -n default default -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
creationTimestamp: "2022-02-10T10:48:54Z"
name: default
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "*******"
uid: ********************
- name: default-token-*****
Now you should be able to find the secret which is attached to the serviceaccount
kubectl get secret -n default default-token-***** -o yaml
Or you can just run
kubectl get secret -n default
To see all secrets in the respective namespace (in this example, default)